It is with great pleasure to inform you that we have added to our Proxenia Venture Partners’ portfolio.
Over the weekend, we have finalized details of the contract and signed this important strategic PanAfrican and Asian deal.
Child malnutrition is one of the most persistent global health challenges. Several Low Middle Income Countries (LMIC) have extremely high prevalence of stunting, wasting, and underweight. While various Governments have implemented several national-level nutritional supplementation programs to combat child malnutrition, children in the 3-6 age group show a high prevalence of generalized malnutrition. Protein is an essential nutrient for physical growth and development, especially during the mid-to late-childhood years. However, affordability, accessibility, and dietary and religious restrictions often limit protein intake by children in LMIC.
Advance Protein has developed a patented ingredient system that allows them to supply protein and enhance the global food chain with sustainable and nutritionally superior ingredients.
Their eco-friendly, FDA certified manufacturing facility is located in Livermore, California. As part of the strategic collaboration, Proxenia will open an African Headquarter in Kenya and will assess partnership opportunities to set up similar eco-friendly manufacturing structures in the region to produce/distribute finished products for the African and Asian markets.
Dr Menghis Bairu, Proxenia’s Chairman and CEO commented:
“AI brings incredible in-house R&D and lab analysis capabilities, as well as well-run, state-of-the-art eco-friendly production sites.
In addition to pursuing add-on acquisitions and helping the business develop its product range, we also plan to enhance AI’s commercial approach to accelerate growth and drive operational excellence.”
Mr.Mazi Ghorbani, CEO,Founder and Chairman of AI commented: “The management team and I are extremely excited to partner with Proxenia’s newly formed Kenya based company and work on a new chapter of AI’s history. We are truly convinced that Dr Bairu and team are ideal partner to support our ambitious international expansion plans thanks to their global footprint, especially in Africa and Asia, and deep experience”
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