About Advance Protein
Much attention has been given to protein, its roles in the human body and its benefits to athletes and non-athletes alike. As the demand for alternative protein surges, resulting from both a growing world population and greater appreciation for the benefits of protein products, the effects placed on our resources and environment has exposed a risk to the sustainability and security of our food supply. The heightened interest on such negative externalities has highlighted a need for innovation and a movement toward sustainable sources of protein that lessen the burden on our ecosystem.

At Advance Protein, we’ve developed a patented technology system that allows us to supply and enhance the global food chain with sustainable and nutritionally superior ingredients – and we don’t have to rely on our planet’s scarce resources like arable land and fresh water. Our patented SEAVIOR™ system uses no fresh water, no arable land, and no harsh chemicals. It produces no waste and generates a much smaller carbon footprint than any other protein manufacturer.

Who We Are - Our Team
We're a team of entrepreneurs, humanitarians, food scientists, materials scientists, process engineers, and more. We have a passion for sustainability and responsible, healthy living, and we believe that marine protein is the way forward for creating a green food system and ending malnutrition.
Our Story - The Founder
Learn more about Advance Protein's philanthropic background and our company's mission. Read the story of our founder's search for solutions and a better approach to the tragedy of world hunger,
What We Do - Our Products
We have developed multiple patent-pending manufacturing technologies, resulting in world-class food and nutraceutical products. We specialize in healthy and sustainable ingredients for your formulating needs.