There are countless benefits of fish proteins. Advance Protein has engineered the fish proteins to maximize their benefits. Some of the highlighted benefits include:
A. Sustainable Source
If CO2 levels continue to rise as projected, the populations of 18 countries may lose more than 5% of their dietary protein by 2050 due to a decline in the nutritional value of rice, wheat, and other staple crops, according to new findings from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Researchers estimate that roughly an additional 150 million people may be placed at risk of protein deficiency because of elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

A. Applications
• Protein Fortification
• Powdered mixes
• Egg, Whey, Pea and Soy protein replacement
• Ready-to-eat food supplements
• Bakery
• Cereals
• Crisps
• Chips
• Protein bars
• Pastas
• Dressings
• Sauces
• Confectionary

C. Additional Benefits
• The nutritive value of fish proteins is comparatively high due to the essential amino acid favorable pattern. Fish proteins are rich in all the essential amino acids (particularly methionine and lysine), in contrast with most proteins from plant sources, which lack adequate amounts of one or more essential amino acids (Excellent source of essential minerals and highly digestible amino acids)
• Protein efficiency ratio (PER) of fish proteins, an index of protein quality, is slightly above that of casein, the major milk protein. The net protein utilization (NPU) of fish flesh is 83, as compared with values of 80 and 100 for red meat and egg, respectively (Skaara and Regenstein 1990; Sen 2005).
• Nutritive studies have shown the remarkable beneficial effect of adding FPP to the diet. Its use is particularly beneficial to growing children and pregnant or nursing mothers (Frokjaer 1994; Sen 2005).
• Development of ice cream fortified with FPP could be an effective way to enhance nutritional and functional value of ice cream (Shaviklo et al. 2011b).
• Firstly, in being added to the foods, it increases the content of nutrients in the diet. Secondly, it improves the utilization of fishery resources and fish protein consumption per capita (Vakily et al. 2012; Shaviklo 2012). The market for fish protein ingredients is not big, but it will grow (Thorkelsson et al. 2009). The FPP could be a means of increasing fish consumption in countries/areas where there is no tradition of consuming fresh or frozen fish
• Extracting proteins from fish processing by-products, by-catch and other underutilized fish, provides an avenue to increase utilization of harvested catch. This review study presented that fish protein can be dried successfully and dried fish protein can be potentially applied as functional ingredients and nutritional supplements. The FPP is a good source of high-quality amino acids and could compete industrially with other protein ingredient such as soy protein isolate and egg albumin.
• Including protein in healthier staples such as whole-grain bread and pasta can help make balancing a meal easier.