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Helping Save Children's Lives. One Kilo at a Time.

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1 kg of APP® sold = 1 lifesaving food package and/or meal donated

Freedom from food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition is a fundamental human right for every person. Advance Protein is deeply committed to protecting this right by helping improve the lives of malnourished children. Advance Protein has developed the Protein-4-Kids program to fight the hunger crisis across the globe.

Through our Protein-4-Kids giveback program, every kilogram of APP® sold commercially will result in the donation of a life-sustaining food packet to qualified NGO and non-profit organizations that aid the global fight against hunger and malnutrition.

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Mazi Ghorbani
Founder & CEO

“Advance Protein's core belief is to use the power of our products to systematically and effectively fight world hunger in children and adults around the globe,” explains Mazi Ghorbani, founder and CEO of Advance Protein.

“By developing highly effective & rapidly digestible full, ready to eat, all natural, packaged products featuring our green, sustainable Seavior Super-Protein and directly distributing them through an established, reputable, on-the-ground network of NGOs and nonprofit organizations such as Pledge to Humanity, we aim to achieve a measurable impact on the more than five million children who perish each year due to acute malnutrition.”

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Next Steps...

If you are a manufacturer, NGO, charity or distributor inspired by this mission, please contact us to see how you can get involved.