When comparing protein supplements, you will find that A Perfect Protein outperforms the competition nutritionally and environmentally.
Nutritionally, the most important factors when evaluating a supplement are: protein composition, availability, and micronutrients. Protein is made up of amino acids which build, maintain, and repair tissues in our bodies.
Though there are over 20 different kinds, not all amino acids are equal—there are 9 essential amino acids, meaning our bodies need to ingest all 9 to function properly. The amino acid composition determines how beneficial a protein is. A Perfect Protein powder contains every essential amino acid (and several others) making it a complete protein.
Animal-based protein is denser and more bioavailable than plant protein.
Plant-based protein is notoriously incomplete. Plant-based supplements need to mix and match plant proteins or add synthetically derived amino acids to have the same health benefits as animal-based protein.
Plant protein is also not very dense: For example, to supplement 25g of protein it takes 100g of A Perfect Protein powder (25%) verses 110-120g of plant-based powder (20-22%). The bioavailability of fish protein is also much higher, meaning 25g of fish-based protein goes further than 25g of plant-based protein because plants are harder to digest.
A Perfect Protein has more micronutrients than whey protein.
The composition, density, and availability of A Perfect Protein is about the same as whey protein isolate, but outperforms whey when it comes to micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Seafood contains high concentrations of hard-to-get minerals like selenium, magnesium, and zinc. It contains as much potassium as a banana! And, best of all, these vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring, not added to our product, so they are more easily absorbed.
Compared to whey, our protein offers the same protein benefits, but much better health outcomes due to higher mineral content. Our protein is also lactose-free, easy on the stomach, and shelf stable, unlike whey.

The unique health benefits of our protein were even studied by scientists from Oregon State University researching the most efficient and cost-effective way to remedy malnutrition in children. They tested A Perfect Protein against several other types of protein supplementation and concluded that it was the most effective. They published two peer-reviewed scientific papers you can read for yourself here and here.
Since then, we have made ending child malnutrition one of our top priorities. Every bit of protein you buy from us supplements a child in India. We donate 1 serving of protein for every product sold—with thousands donated already.
From an environmental perspective, our protein is more sustainable than plant-based or whey-based protein supplements.

Plant-based supplements require tremendous amounts of freshwater and land, while whey is especially high in carbon emissions. Using sustainable fish as our protein source gives us a clear environmental advantage over other protein supplements.
You can read more about the sustainability of our protein in the two posts below. We dive deeper into the environmental impact of protein and what it takes to be a conscious consumer for the planet.